Mission Statement

Here at Form Apparel, our mission is to promote femininity and empower women by fostering a culture of inclusivity, self-expression, and self-empowerment. We believe that every woman deserves to embrace her unique qualities, explore her passions, and unleash her full potential.
We recognize and celebrate the diverse expressions of femininity. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that honors and respects the myriad of backgrounds, cultures, and identities that women encompass.
We are committed to providing women with the resources and opportunities required to develop their skills, knowledge, and talents. We aim to elevate women so they may excel in all aspects of life, including personal growth, professional success, and holistic well-being. 
We are dedicated to amplifying the voices and stories of women from all walks of life. By providing platforms for women to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, we aim to create a sense of community and inspire others to embrace their unique journeys. 
We thoroughly encourage women to embrace their authenticity and express themselves freely, without fear of judgment or societal limitations. We believe that every woman has the right to define femininity on her own terms and to be celebrated for her unique qualities and strengths. 
We actively support and advocate for gender equality and women's rights. It is our belief that by empowering women to make decisions for themselves, without outside pressure, everyone will benefit.
Uplifting women so that they may embrace their femininity and lead the life they desire is why Form Apparel was born.
To reflect our belief that supporting women is of the utmost importance, 3% of every sale will be used to support local women's initiatives.